Jumat, 15 April 2022

Contoh Essai Beasiswa "Global Korea Scholarship"

 Halo guys... nihh aku bagikan lagi contoh essai untuk daftar beasiswa Korea. Essai ini juga merupakan salah satu hasil belajarku secara otodidak sihh. Semoga bisa membantu teman-teman dan bisa dapat gambaran buat essai nya... Untuk bisa buat essai yang bagus kan berawal dari belajar buat essai kan, cobalah dari awal untuk belajar... Semangatt Scholarship Hunterss


When I was young, I believe that the opportunity does not just come. It must be run with brave and action. Hence, I desire to take that opportunity and must study at Yonsei University with Global Korea Scholarship (GKS).

I am purposed to apply for a master's program in chemistry at Yonsei University, South Korea. I am so excited about focusing on the theories and the research about a beauty product. Some of the courses that support the research are perfectly provided by Yonsei University with a complete and high-quality laboratory. It can be perfected me to be a professional chemist in beauty products especially.

Beauty products or cosmetics is one of the fastest-growing industries in Indonesia. It is caused by its daily usage. The cosmetic market can improve the solutions for Indonesia’s economic growth. However, it cannot be denied that Indonesian people still tend to use imported cosmetic products, mainly beauty products from South Korea. Certainly, because of the advanced scientific knowledge and technology, South Korea can create preferable quality products that be safe to use. I believe that the biodiversity of both countries can compete with each other in providing the raw materials needs for beauty products. I expect that Indonesia and South Korea will cooperate to build a lot of beauty product manufacturers in the future. It greatly encourages me to learn about beauty products at Yonsei University which has researched several cosmetic-related research topics.

In my step study, I will focus on the enhancement of the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect of moringa leaves (Moringa oleifera L.) and guava leaves (Psidium guajava) on human skin. Moringa leaves contain quercetin which type of flavonoid that can function as an anti-inflammatory, while the content of guava leaves like catechin can help get rid of acne. The concentration of composition will be increased to obtain the best test against UV rays and anti-bacterial activity that causes acne such as           P. acne. The result of this research will produce a beauty product in the form of a gel that can be used for the face or whole body. The product will be specially designed for Indonesian skin with a tropical climate and further developed for other skin types.

Based on my study plan according to the table, I devise staying in Korea for three years. It means that I should complete six school-terms plans. In the first year, I will focus on studying the Korean language to get the TOPIK score that Yonsei University requires. However, for helping me earlier before I visit the country, I am supposed to learn basic Korean such as Hangul script and Korean daily expression through several android applications and youtube channels. I will not stop learning the Korean language.



Study Plan (Course)

Fall semester

Spring Semester


Study Korean language and culture

·         Study Korean advanced

·         Get TOPIK score


·      Advanced chemical biology   (3)*

·      Advanced organic chemistry  (3)

·      Advanced analytical chemistry (3)

·      Advanced inorganic chemistry (3)

·    Chemical research methods (3)

·    Future biomedical research  (3)

·    Biomaterial research  (3)

·    Special topic in organometallic chemistry (3)


·      Supra molecular chemistry (3)

·      Laser spectroscopy (3)

·      Advanced biomaterial research  (3)

·      Advanced future biomedical research (3)

·      Chemistry seminar (3)

·    Seminar (3)

·    Graduate

Note: *Total credits

The next year, I will start my first semester of master's program study in the fall semester. I have planning to study the advanced chemistry of fundamental theory. It is useful to remember and to complement the basic theory of organic or inorganic compounds, the bioprocess of organisms, and the skills of analytical laboratory. All of the courses will fulfill 12 credits. When the spring semester comes, I will take the courses that teach me about organometallic, the compound that will find in the plant or human body. It is very important to know the characteristics of the compound and its process. At this time, I also begin to examine a lot of literature that relates to my research background and begin to discuss my research with my supervisor. I choose biomedical and biomaterial research to focus on the manufacturing and testing of my research. Then I had already finished 24 credits.

In my last year, I should complete all of my courses and graduate certainly. I will learn about supra molecule and laser spectroscopy. Both courses are greatly related to knowing the analytical UV ray for testing the beauty product. Besides, I will keep on the advanced research courses to perfect my thesis before I take the seminar at the last of the fall semester. Moreover, I will commence my activity in the laboratory for the remaining semester until I graduate in the spring semester. The whole credit that I may finish is 42 credits.

After I graduate with my master's study, I will apply the knowledge theoretically and practically that I have acquired at Yonsei University. For the short term, I shall be a professional chemistry lecturer at my bachelor’s campus, Hasanuddin University (Unhas), and I shall develop my research product until it is safe to apply to the human body. Then I plan to write more journals and publish them either at an international conference or in a reputation journal. For a long-term plan, I desire to make cooperative research and student exchange between Unhas either with Yonsei University or other universities in South Korea. I also plan to start building a business and open recruitment to sell my beauty product. Five years later, I plan to improve my chemistry knowledge and learn new cultures and languages by studying doctoral degree.

Confidently, I believe that studying at Yonsei University will make my mindset out of the box in any problem. I will try every opportunity, solve the problems, and hold myself responsible for risks.


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