Do You Believe in Climate Change? Please explain your reasons briefly.
Yes, of course. I believe in climate change. I feel that there are some changes in the earth, particularly the climate. one thing that I really find about the change of temperature. it is different between 15 years ago and recently. well, more than one decade ago, the temperature was around 31 oC when dry season and 25 oC when rainy seasons in Indonesia, especially in my hometown. the climate was also regular. started in May to September was dry whereas October to April was rainy. however, currently, the rain can come in August and even throughout the year. in a day, the temperature can reach the highest temperature at 36 oC then after a few hours later, it will be rain with a temperature of 25 oC. It looks like there is no season anymore. the earth issues extreme temperature.
another reason I believe in climate change is that the eternal snow in Jayawijaya Mountain, Indonesia has been melting, and ice at the poles is melting then causing the sea level rise. it makes flood the low ground. all of them show that the earth is not fine. our earth is sick and it is indicated by climate change.
What are the efforts you can do to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions? Please explain briefly.
As a student and part of the community or people, there are some efforts that I can do to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GGE). In the beginning, I am thinking about my position as a consumer of electricity. Using electricity which is necessary is one step to help reduce GGE. For example, turn off the lamp if it is not used. We can switch off the air conditioner and replace it with the wind. Another way is my position as a driver of a motorcycle or car. We can change our fuel transportation to be environmentally friendly bio-fuel. Besides, when we go to the shop, we can bring a bag and reduce using plastic bags. We also can help decrease GGE by using stuff environmentally friendly like a wooden spoon and wooden cupboard etc. The other easy action to cut GGE is deleting old data or useless data in electronics like laptops, handphones, tablets, etc because it can reduce the consumption of power worldwide data centers.
We have relatively succeeded in solving the ozone depletion problem, however, we still have a lot to do to solve the global warming problem. In your opinion, what are the reasons behind this success, and how to apply it to the global warming problem to increase the probability of success?
The ozone depletion problem is being solved thanks to a global agreement to stop the use of ozone-depleting chemicals that damage the ozone layer. In 1985, there are 20 nations, including most of the major CFC producers, signed the Vienna Convention for The Protection of The Ozone Layer. Then until 1987, its representatives from 43 nations signed the Montreal Protocol to stop using Ozone Depletion Substances (ODS). On the other hand, it has been found that CFCs which is the most damaging substance of Ozone can replace with hydro-fluoro-carbons (HFCs). This substance contains no chlorine or bromine which can contribute at all to ozone depletion. Other freon decomposition technology such as rotary kiln and plasma-induced decomposition also support a relatively succeeded in solving the ozone depletion problem.
However, global warming is still being an unfordable problem. Scientists are concerned that the substances used to replace ODS are acting to trap heat inside the earth, exacerbating the greenhouse effect which is F-gases often have a far larger impact on climate change. That is why we actually need to limit the use and the emissions of HFCs which are therefore needed (such as limiting using air conditioner, refrigerator, etc.). It can increase the success probability of solving global warming and ozone depletion problem.
In your opinion, what is the most effective method to reduce carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere? Explain your opinion.
In my opinion, the most effective method to reduce carbon dioxide is carbon capture storage (CCS). Based on the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES) website, CCS can capture more than 90% CO2 emissions from power plants and industrial facilities. Besides, around 87% of CO2 emissions come from the burning of fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and, oil in the industry. The remainder results from the clearing of forests and other land-use changes (9%), as well as some industrial processes such as cement manufacturing (4%). CCS technology is considered an option for reducing anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions. It involves capturing carbon dioxide from emission sources, transporting it to a storage site, and burying it in a suitable underground geological formation. Carbon capture and utilization involve the capture of CO2 from emission sources and its subsequent use as a resource to create valuable products or services. It is an effective method because it directly captures CO2 from the main source before the gases are free to the atmosphere.
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